Find a mental healthcare provider who meets your needs.


Pick the right therapist.

We’ll provide you a list of the therapists in our network and you will be able to choose the one who you feel best meets your needs. Already have a therapist? Have them reach out to us to see if we can accommodate you at our facility!

Connecting you with us


Initial consultations.

Your therapist will likely schedule several sessions to best understand why you are seeking this therapy, as well as what to expect from the therapy. Prices will be determined by your individual therapist.


Booking the session.

You and your therapist will determine a date that works for you, and your therapist will book your session with Daylight Wellness. We will work with them to tailor the experience to your individual needs.


Is this legal?

Yes! In 2022, the voters of Colorado passed Proposition 122, which allows adults 21 and over to consume Natural Medicine under the supervision of a licensed therapist, referred to as a Facilitator. These sessions must occur in a licensed facility, referred to as a Healing Center. Daylight Wellness is a Healing Center.

Why can’t I book a session before 2025?

Colorado is still in the process of finalizing rules and regulations for Natural Medicine. However, the state is required by law to start accepting applications for licenses by December 31, 2024. Daylight Wellness plans to be positioned to submit an application as soon as possible, but sometimes the wheels of government turn slowly and we want to set realistic expectations for our customers and therapist/healer partners.

How much will this cost?

The cost of therapy will be set by the Facilitator you choose to work with. Daylight Wellness will not dictate what our Facilitator partners can charge. Our role is to provide a safe and unique environment to ensure you have the best possible therapeutic outcome. However, we strive to provide options for all financial situations and are happy to work with your Facilitator to ensure Natural Medicine healing is accessible to everyone.

Let us help you find care that's right for you.